Enable 2x6inch Photostrip Prints

How to switch settings so you can print 2×6 photostrips or 4×6 postcards:

  1. Go to the Windows Desktop and type “printer” in the search bar.
  2. Click on Printers & Scanners (system settings)
  3. From the list, select the printer you’re using (DS620 or DS40).
    • Click on it and then click “manage” and select printer preferences OR Right click on it and select printer preferences
  4. Click on the “Advanced” button on the bottom right
  5. The last option should be 2 inch cut
    • Enable: If you want 2×6 photostrip prints
    • Disable: If you want 4×6 postcard prints
Kande Troubleshooting

Brighten or Darken Liveview

  1. Go to the Settings screen in PBU
  2. Go to Camera tab
  3. Click DSLR button
  4. Click Live View/Burst Tab
    • TV: Denominator larger = Darker, Denominator smaller = Brighter
    • AV: Number larger = Darker, Number smaller = Brighter
    • ISO: Number larger = Brighter, Number smaller = Darker

Ex: Live view would be almost at brightest settings with TV: 1/6, ISO: 6400, AV: 4

Kande Troubleshooting

Import PBU File

A PBU file will have all the designs and settings you need for your event.  However, you’ll still need to tweak camera settings on your own.

  1. Go to the settings screen in PBU
  2. Go to the Preferences tab
  3. Click on Import Settings on top right corner
  4. Select the PBU file you want to load, then click “Open.”
  5. PBU Import Settings screen will pop up.  Just click OK at the bottom.
  6. Settings Imported Successfully pop up will appear.  Click Ok.
Kande Troubleshooting
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